An Intro to the Benefits of CNM Ingenuity’s Coach Training Curriculum

Key Takeaways

Coaching is a method of empowering another person to make a lasting life change.

Unlike counselors or advisors, coaches do not have to be subject matter experts. They are skilled in asking great questions and engaging people in any situation to define and achieve their objectives. Coaches honor the client as the expert in their life and work. The fundamental coaching philosophy is that every person is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.

For over ten years, CNM Coach Training has been recognized as a national leader in preparing participants to implement financial coaching, academic coaching and career coaching programs in their schools, social service organizations, and communities. Building on this success, CNM now offers coach training courses through Unmudl, where a Certified coach trains learners to help others overcome obstacles big and small related to workforce, academic and financial goals. But what is coaching and how does it work?

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Click to learn more about Unmudl and Amazon Original Course

Many are familiar with a therapist, a mentor or an advisor. But when it comes to a coach, outside of sports teams, many are not familiar with the concept. But a Coach, be it life, career, academic or financial, provides a different type of relationship from a counselor or therapist. With a Coach, there is a lot of asking, but very little telling. The Coach is focused on the individual being coached and not the problem. 

A 2019 study conducted by the International Coaching Federation on the effectiveness of coaching showed 99% of clients interviewed saw their experiencing working with a coach as rewarding, and 96% stated they plan to continue with coaching.  Coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify obstacles holding you back and help you come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. 

Learn to Coach others on Financial Literacy Topics!

A dynamic, interactive coach training that combines fundamental coaching skills with strong financial content and cultural humility.

We help people in Arizona find high-paying trade jobs.

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From Financial Coaching to Academic Coaching and Career Coaching Programs!

Here's a testimonial from John Vosper at the International Rescue Committee, one of the organizations that now uses the CNM coach training curriculum to train its own employees:

I started my career in financial coaching in 2003 with the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  I remember throughout the years hearing of this incredible training program that CNM Ingenuity hosted for financial coaches.  Almost four years later since we partnered and were trained and mentored by CNM Ingenuity, our organization has benefitted so greatly from that investment. From creating professional pathways for our financial coaching staff, to opening doors to additional funding because of our coaching training and capacity, to the very real and impactful positive changes this training has made in our clients’ lives, the list is so long in terms of how this training has changed our organization for the better. I highly recommend getting trained by CNM Ingenuity as a financial coach. Your life will change too. 

Many of us want to make a difference in the world but ultimately find ourselves in jobs that don’t easily lend themselves to pro bono work or community engagement.  Coaching is a way to make a difference no matter where you are. 

With CNM’s coach training course, you can open a solo coaching practice and deliver assistance to clients at crossroads in their lives.  Alternatively, you can expand your role in your current job, giving coworkers perspectives on their lives and goals during stressful times.  In so doing, you’ll help both them and the organization thrive.

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Click to learn more about Unmudl and Amazon Original Course
Click to learn more about Unmudl and Amazon Original Course
Last updated on:
February 22, 2024

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